Over the course of my career I’ve encountered this too many times. Application rot. What is Application Rot? I’m currently performing a detailed code review on a client system. It’s.
Lots has been written about the Apple Notarization process. The process of applying digital signatures to *.app packages, contents and DMG installer files. All sounds good in theory but my.
I’m currently in the midst of helping a company delivery a new version of their mobile application. So I need a Mac for producing the iOS build. Back in 2013.
I still, after all these years, have a very sour taste in my mouth regarding the Apple developer tax. I actually think it’s disgusting to charge developers for enriching their.
Technofog (/tɛkˈnɒ/fɒɡ/) – the confluence of domain specific jargon, technical debt and knowledge gaps that negate sensible use of even familiar technologies at the start of a new job or.
The App Store has to be one of the flakiest “services” I’ve ever had the displeasure of having forced on me. App submissions seem to fail constantly, more often than.
Hmm … where to start? I had to buy a MacBook, I need to write and compile apps for iPhones and iPads. I would have preferred to spend the extortionate.
So this turned into a complete nightmare for a while. TeamCity Mac Agent Push Installation I started by trying to get TeamCity to do a push install of a new.
A while ago Martijn van Dijk and I had a very brief chat about creating an MvvmCross iOS Support library for use with MvvmCross. Just to add in some general.
There’s no doubt about it, things that help are good. This topic of abstraction came up in a chatroom the other day and I found myself advocating not abstracting in.
Change tracking object contents at first might seem like an easy or straightforward task but there are lots of pitfalls and potential issues with many solutions. What works in your.
I have a fairly complex development environment for my current project and needed to allow some self-signed certificates to pass through the SSL certificate chaining process when calling from mobile.
I’ve just had to handle the situation where a user taps on a text editor control in an iOS view and the keyboard auto appears. Whilst this is obviously great.
There is a new release of MvvmCross yesterday that takes the platform to v4 beta 5 that was released yesterday. I’ve also contributed a new v4 sample project which provides.
This is silly message really. If you’re getting this error (or something similar) but you also know that you’re running the latest version of the iOS build host: Build server.
Learning a new technology can sometimes be a very time consuming and error prone process. The more complex the technology the longer this process can go on for. When I.
So, today I got another email from Apple about my enrollment in their development program. Turns out I don’t have to wait for another call, I got a very courteous.
I’m genuinely gobsmacked by this. I applied for the Apple Developer program a couple of weeks ago on behalf of the company I co-founded. I was amazed to find out.
Application Maintenance – Application Rot
Over the course of my career I’ve encountered this too many times. Application rot. What is Application Rot? I’m currently performing a detailed code review on a client system. It’s.
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Apple Notarization Madness
Lots has been written about the Apple Notarization process. The process of applying digital signatures to *.app packages, contents and DMG installer files. All sounds good in theory but my.
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More Apple Pricing Insanity
I’m currently in the midst of helping a company delivery a new version of their mobile application. So I need a Mac for producing the iOS build. Back in 2013.
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Apple Developer Tax
I still, after all these years, have a very sour taste in my mouth regarding the Apple developer tax. I actually think it’s disgusting to charge developers for enriching their.
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Technofog (/tɛkˈnɒ/fɒɡ/) – the confluence of domain specific jargon, technical debt and knowledge gaps that negate sensible use of even familiar technologies at the start of a new job or.
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App Store App Submission – Continual Failure and Obfuscation
The App Store has to be one of the flakiest “services” I’ve ever had the displeasure of having forced on me. App submissions seem to fail constantly, more often than.
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My Life With a MacBook Pro – 3 Years In
Hmm … where to start? I had to buy a MacBook, I need to write and compile apps for iPhones and iPads. I would have preferred to spend the extortionate.
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Xamarin iOS TeamCity Build
So this turned into a complete nightmare for a while. TeamCity Mac Agent Push Installation I started by trying to get TeamCity to do a push install of a new.
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MvvmCross iOS Support and Samples
A while ago Martijn van Dijk and I had a very brief chat about creating an MvvmCross iOS Support library for use with MvvmCross. Just to add in some general.
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Abstracting APIs – Abstract Potentially Insane?
There’s no doubt about it, things that help are good. This topic of abstraction came up in a chatroom the other day and I found myself advocating not abstracting in.
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View Model Value Change Tracking in MvvmCross & Xamarin
Change tracking object contents at first might seem like an easy or straightforward task but there are lots of pitfalls and potential issues with many solutions. What works in your.
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Whitelist SSL Certificates in .NET for Xamarin / MvvmCross Apps
I have a fairly complex development environment for my current project and needed to allow some self-signed certificates to pass through the SSL certificate chaining process when calling from mobile.
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iOS Keyboard Handling in MvvmCross View Controller
I’ve just had to handle the situation where a user taps on a text editor control in an iOS view and the keyboard auto appears. Whilst this is obviously great.
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MvvmCross Beta5 & SidePanel Navigation Sample
There is a new release of MvvmCross yesterday that takes the platform to v4 beta 5 that was released yesterday. I’ve also contributed a new v4 sample project which provides.
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Xamarin iOS Build Server is Too Old
This is silly message really. If you’re getting this error (or something similar) but you also know that you’re running the latest version of the iOS build host: Build server.
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Learning MvvmCross
Learning a new technology can sometimes be a very time consuming and error prone process. The more complex the technology the longer this process can go on for. When I.
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The Apple Developer Clique – MkII
So, today I got another email from Apple about my enrollment in their development program. Turns out I don’t have to wait for another call, I got a very courteous.
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Xamarin – The Baptism of Fire – Windows 7
So as I blogged a few days ago about the issues I was having with getting to grips with all the issues I was having (which you can read here).
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The Apple Developer Clique
I’m genuinely gobsmacked by this. I applied for the Apple Developer program a couple of weeks ago on behalf of the company I co-founded. I was amazed to find out.
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PCL Profile 259 in Visual Studio 2012 on Windows 7, Xamarin, MvvmCross & ReSharper 7.1
Well, today was a lot of fun. You can tell just how much fun from the ridiculous title of this blog post. I’ve lost most of a productive day to.
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