Well well … my girlfriend recently created a personal profile on MySpace probably about just under a month ago. All was well for the majority of that time until this past week where things went a little ‘off kilter’. she logged into her yahoo mail account one day and had about 28 mails from random people (mostly men …) which kind of spun her out a little bit. The next time she logged into her account a day later there were an additional 70+ MySpace emails. The the next day another 60+ she was now getting a little concerned that something had been done to her account or something else equally nefarious …
Then on thursday she logged onto her yahoo account to find no less than 265 MySpace emails, 99.9% men saying various things about her and her pictures and a few far less welcome emails to boot. I checked her MySpace account and she had received a staggering 8,500+ page views in under a month. The upshot of this is that we deleted her account completely. We both think of this as nothing less than online stalking/harassment. Needless to say she felt pretty weirded out by the whole thing and won’t be going anywhere near MySpace in the future.
She also has a Facebook account which has been a hell of a lot more friendly in general. Hurrah for Facebook!
Anyone else out there had similar experiences with MySpace?
Part of the problem is that myspace is ‘open’. Anyone can see your account information and anyone can send you a message.
Another part of the problem is that there is a lot of very very sad people out there who think that just by mailing a young lady they’ll get attention.
The reason you get much less of a problem with facebook is that you need to be member before you can see anyones profile, great for a circle of friends or community, not so good if you’re trying to make new friends.
I’d also like to know how she managed to get 8500 page views in a month, I wish I could get that for our band (http://www.myspace.com/TenFifty)
P.s. like the new funky layout.
Indeed MySpace is more open and so enables people to be a bit more ‘contactable’, but it really did go beyond a joke in this instance. One of the people said that she had been added to a list of ‘cool people’ somewhere on the web but i’ve been unable to find anything about such a site.
The 8500+ views is obviously as a result of this. i’ve not seen anyone elses profile get so much attention in such a short space fo time. Either way it was a completely wasted exercise all round really.
glad you like the new layout too … 😀
Must catch up soon chap! How’s the band work going?
It’s a shame to see it happen to people who don’t want it though.
The band is going well, check out the website – http://www.TenFifty.co.uk
We need to come and do some recording *REAL* soon, we’re upto 11 tracks and I reckon we’re ready to record an album.