xUnit is great!  If you haven’t used it yet it really is well worth the time to explore and get to grips with.  I was recently creating some Serialization tests using the WCF DataContractSerializer.  In order to make sure the test were all as I wanted/expected and to have a clean slate between each serialization test it is prudent to ensure the files generated by the tests are cleaned up afterwards.  Here is a little class that provides exactly this through the use of a custom attribute.  This also means that your test code isn’t polluted with unneccessary code clutter … neat!

Here is the class:

public class SerializationCleanupAttribute : BeforeAfterTestAttribute
    public readonly string FileToCleanUp;

    public SerializationCleanupAttribute(string fileToCleanUp)
        FileToCleanUp = fileToCleanUp;

    public override void Before(System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodUnderTest)
        if (File.Exists(FileToCleanUp))

    public override void After(System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodUnderTest)
        if (File.Exists(FileToCleanUp))

Here is a test using the class:

public void TestClientConfigSerialization()
    ClientEndpointConfiguration config = new ClientEndpointConfiguration();
    config.CloseTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0);
    config.EndpointName = "Default";
    config.EndpointNamespace = "http://jammer.biz/namespace/test/";

Introduction to Composite WPF (CAL, Prism) Part 1
Introduction to Composite WPF CAL, Prism: Part 2

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