I was recently reading some blogs I subscribe to and came across this great idea for learning and developing some interesting skills in Blender. The idea has been penned by Mike Pan and you can read about the rules here. The base idea is that you do something visually interesting using just the geometry provided with the default cube, nothing else.

Basically I’m going to be having a go at this myself and see what things I arrive at. I’m certainly not going to get the time to do this once a day, every day but I’m certainly going to keep going for a while.

To be fair the first one I’ve completed (currently rendering as I blearily type this over my first coffee) is complete plagiarism from one of Mikes but since I am such a Blender noob I see that as my starting point for some inspiration. Mike knows his stuff and has done some seriously cool things with the default cube.

I’ve always found that my best creative efforts be it photography, music, graphics or even code occur when I’m given strict rules and boundaries to work within. I think that taps into some form of ingrained survival instincts that promotes creative thinking. Anyway, it’s going to be interesting to learn just what can be done with so little.Blender273_DefaultFile_Screenshot

Compiling Blender on Mac
Blender Cubism 1

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